❤ This I want to believe implicitly: We were born for love and revolution.❤

Welcome to Luppieni Zone!

It is pleasure to be your host!

This is my Personal World Wide Web site! I am really grateful, that you, my dear little person from computer, clicked on the link to my funky place, nice to meet you!

I am a very amateurish artist and wannabe scholar, you can think of me as a goofy monk or hermit or alchemist... Alchemist has a nice ring! I am an Alchemist, like Colonel Buendia (without that yucky stuff with Remedios). I do a lot of things, from worldbuilding projects to poetry and academic work.

If you want to start somewhere, you can do it here! there you will find some things I did and I am working on

On the sidebar you can find a bit of info 'bout me!!


I am still working on my portfolio, on my catalog of all things fun and wacky and so on, so right now, it its mostly a barren site...

Fear not though! Right now you can go here! :P